How to Use Your License Key?
You need to install Tooltitude first.
Activate command palette via Ctrl+Shift+P (Cmd+Shift+P on Mac).
Choose Tooltitude: Enter a License Key
Paste the license key which was sent to you by the reseller
If everything goes well, you should see the license status bar item
If you have trouble activating, don't hesitate to contact us via
Here's the list of common errors:
- expired license - your subscription ended. In order to use premium features, you need to subscribe again. If you don't want to see this warning, please use the remove license command.
- ext version is too old - you need to update the tooltitude extension. The subscription that you have doesn't support older versions.
- license wasn\'t issued for this machine - your machine id changed. This might happen if you upgraded your machine, or something in the configuration changed. In this case, remove, and add the key again.
- invalid license - license which you have is invalid. There's likely a bug in the program. Please contact us using the email above.