Is the extension free to use? Open source?
The extension is free to use but is not open source. We have premium features with 30 days free trial. You could learn about them here. You could get 30 days free trial here
Which OSes and architecture do you support?
We support the following at the moment:
- x64 and arm64 Mac
- x64 and arm64 Linux
- x64 Windows
Please, let us know if you need other architecture in our issues tracker
Do you collect telemetry?
We collect telemetry. However, we collect only de-identified data (i.e. non personal data). This includes but is not limited to an operating system, a cpu model, number of cores, amount of memory, how you use Visual Studio Code and extensions, timestamps of events, localization information, timezone, and performance information.
We follow the global telemetry setting, and if you want to turn the telemetry off, you could use this guide.
Do you support Visual Studio Code compatible/based IDEs?
Currently we officially support only Microsoft Visual Studio Code. If you are interested in their support, please create an issue in our issue tracker here
How could I leave a review or give a rating?
- Open the reviews section of the Tooltitude for Go page on the Visual Studio Code Marketplace.
- Press 'Write a review'. If you aren't logged in, you could log in with either Github or Microsoft Account.
- You will see a review popup.
- Give a star rating (comment isn't mandatory, despite the red color of the message)
- Or give a star rating with a written review